At the end of the post you can see the two schemes of work with CPA traffic or Cost Per Action. If you have the question what traffic source is for the offer of aggregators, the information will just be for you.
Sit back and we start.
CPA Marketing: Types of CPA traffic:
- CashBack
- Email traffic
- Popup advertising
- Doorway traffic
- Contextual advertising
- Contextual advertising for a brand
- Incentive traffic
- Traffic from social networks
- ClickUnder
- Teaser network
- Banner advertising
- Hypercontextual advertising
- Push banner
- Adult traffic
CashBack traffic is a refund. Refund to the buyer a portion of the purchase price. How it works: a Webmaster selects the offers with a specific monetary reward for doing the targeted action. For example, 300 rubles for the paid purchase in the store, then a webmaster places an advertisement or writes an article in which he writes that a visitor receives bonus 100 rubles after buying in this store.
The action announced by the webmaster attracts more visitors than a usual advertising. Despite the fact that the reward of the webmaster is reduced by 100 rubles and now it is 200, the profit is increased due to the volume of purchases. An advertiser, in turn, receives an increase in sales for the same price of the targeted action.
Email traffic is an email newsletter when a letter arrives in user’s mailbox. And this email is not spam. How it works: a Webmaster send out newsletters to each person in his base of subscribers, at the same time he motivates a future buyer the availability of any discount. The user, knowing that he can save a lot of money, makes a purchase or another targeted action. So email is one of the most effective ways to make money in CPA Marketing.
Popup advertising
Popup advertising is a so-called pop-up window, this window usually opens when loading on the front site page (usually in the center), attracting the attention of users and motivating them to click on the link for more information.
Doorway traffic
Doorway traffic is an input web page optimized for one or more search keys. The common rule is the property of the doorway. It’s the content of a reasonable minimum of information about the proposed product or service, motivating the user to learn more. Clicking on the request for more detailed information a visitor will go to the advertiser’s website. Doorway traffic is not high-quality traffic. In fact, it usually brings little benefit.
Contextual advertising
Contextual advertising is the placement of text-and-graphic ads on the basis of the conformity of content of the hosted materials to the context of the Internet page where the contextual advertising is placed. It allows you to display promotional materials only to those users whose interests potentially coincide with the topic of the advertised product or service.
Simply put, you type a query into Google and adverts appear. Their advantage is that they are shown only to those users who are interested in it. If a person is not interested in the kitchens, he will never see the announcement about kitchens.
Thus, contextual advertising is one of the most effective tools in CPA Marketing.
Contextual advertising for a brand
Contextual advertising for a brand is the same contextual advertising, but it allows the use of the brand name, the company with whom you are working. Many offers allow it, but also many offers don’t allow it. When the offer allows you to advertise the context for the brand, this fact in turn greatly simplifies the attraction of the traffic.
A user sees a familiar brand and goes to the site without any doubt. “I know this company, I trust it, I want to buy something” – says the internal voice of the user who sees an advertisement of this nature.
Incentive traffic
This type of advertising works the following way: a webmaster attracts traffic and promises the user a bonus for committing a targeted action.There are two types of incent traffic:
1) It’s a BONUS in the case when the promised reward isn’t monetary.
2) Cash (money) in the case when a webmaster involves a user, promising a specific amount of money for committing target actions.
Traffic from social networks – social networks are unique opportunities for direct contact with consumers. The social networks are one of the most effective and fast-growing sites for attracting traffic.
Notice we’re not talking about a specific social network, because there are a lot of such networks, and it is more reasonable to try to use different networks. Don’t forget that somewhere people come just to talk or play games and somewhere there are enough adults and solvent people.
The principle of operating is the following way: you visit a certain website and click anywhere and a new page opens in the background! This is one of the cheapest forms of traffic and one of the most ineffective. You can work with such traffic if you know certain nuances or use automatic method (single link – smartlink), for example, in Affilight CPA network.
Teaser network
Teaser network is a small advertising unit, consisting of one or more images and interesting phrases that motivate the user to click and obtain more detailed information about the offered product or service. The phrases in the teaser should be correct. From the phrase, it depends whether the user goes to the site or not.
If the phrase is boring and does not attract attention, then, of course, there will be no clicks. If the phrase is interesting, then there will be clicks. You should understand, if you, for example, write “click here and earn millions of dollars”, there will be no sense of such action.
Banner advertising
Banner advertising is one of the oldest, but the actual way CPA Marketing of attracting CPA traffic. So the banner itself is a static (motionless) or animated image with information about the offered product or service.
Hypercontextual advertising
Hypercontextual advertising is a link is placed in the text. When you hover on it, a small ad unit appears. The topic of the ad unit corresponds to one or more words on which the link is placed.
Push banner
Push banner or a flash banner in the form of a mini-game, motivating the user to click on this banner. When you hover on such banner, the icon of the cursor changes, for example, to a weapon and calls to shoot a man running in the banner. As soon as a user attempts to kill a man and shoots, he or she is redirected to the advertiser’s site.
The meaning of Push banner should correspond to the offered products or service. For example, if he shoots, he will be redirected in a game, not in a store with fashionable clothes.
Adult traffic
Adult traffic is CPA traffic from the sites that offered to people over the age of 18. Suppose you guessed what we speak about, it’s the sites with pornographic content. Adult traffic is a very large number of people who look through these sites. And you place your advert for that audience.