A lot of selling formulas were invented. Why? To faster and easier write texts that will sell. If you want to know how to start an online business, we are going to tell you about 6 selling formulas (AIDA, 4U, PmPHS, PPPP, the rule of 3 yes, ODC) that really work!
We’ll share the 6 selling formulas that we use and that really work.
In the form of texts on websites, on landing pages, in emails, at different stages of the sales funnel, in the context of arbitration campaigns.
How to start an online business?
Selling formula AIDA
AIDA is universal, when the goal is to attract attention. It’s very effective to write speeches, and sales letters on the base of on AIDA, it’s at least the audience’s attention and communicating ideas. So if you wonder how to start an online business, you should use AIDA formula!
AIDA consists of 4 parts:
Attention. It is achieved through intrigue, provocation, paradox, breaking of patterns. It’s usually the title, the subtitle and sometimes even the first paragraph of a text. The modern audiences are considered to oversaturate with emotional feeding, so it’s often better to be more relaxed, but informative (it is very fairly for the webmaster’s audience, except the beginners).
Interest. We appeal to important moments for the audience, it is important for a reader to understand that this offer is valuable for him. Stimulate the interest. We usually highlight 3 the most powerful arguments that will convince the audience. Of course, you can highlight more, there is even a theory that the longer a sales letter is, the more sales you get, but in our experience, you’d better be concise.
Desire. In fact we say that our product/service will solve the customer’s problem and the solution is available to him. Good method is closer ties with the reader, the expression and understanding of his problems (you can start doing this at the previous point). Here you need to form a desire to buy.
Action. This is actually the call. But you should be careful with emotions. Aggression will often lead to the loss of a warmed-up buyer.
AIDMA is the type of AIDA. Motivation is added. Add extra Motivation between Desire and Action. It can be a discount, which is about to end (is you familiar with the inverse counters on the landings?), special offer.

4U is the solution for headers
4 components can be placed in any order.
Usefulness — we explain the benefit based on the needs of the audience.
Uniqueness is standing out against the background of competitors.
Ultra-Specificity is narrowing of audience. It is important for a reader to understand that the proposal is special for him.
Urgency is a limited supply. It means that it’s necessary to act quickly.
The followers of the theory say that all 4 points it’s better to use in every effective title. But you can use the theory partially and it works too, especially if it will be peppered with emotions. 2 of 4, 3 of 4 — cut to the variants and test. You can also separate points between the title and the subtitle.
PmPHS (Pain, more Pain, Hope, Solution)
Talk about pain, aggravate the pain (possible complications of the situation), tell that there is the solution of the problem, finally present the solution.
Put on the extra weight? But the summer is soon, you will need to wear a swimsuit, all friends are so skinny…Many girls managed to lose over 10 kg in a month thanks to a new product based on pineapple. Pineapple, fat-annihilating mask for the tummy! Ask in pharmacies of the city!
Selling formula PPPP (social networks)
Picture is bright, attractive, but not detached from the meaning of our sentences (although…). By the way it is not usually about the graphics, but about a beautiful image created by the text. It is about the description. But again, you can use simple graphics or graphics with a text. The picture should form a desire, appeal to the senses.
Promise — it’s simple — we promise to fulfill the wishes of the reader. And we promise that it is feasible with the help of our product or service.
Prove — we give arguments that will convince the reader that his wish can really be done with help of our product. Also, if we appealed to the senses in the first paragraph, here we beat to logic, showing again the necessity of the desired, give social proofs, for instance, every third person wants it, every second person dreams about it. It’s not necessary to prove every aspect, if you have a strong argument, for example, about the effectiveness of the goods, then you can use only it and it is quite enough.
Push is the call to action.
The rule of three Yes
How to start an online business with this formula? Some of the authors from the sphere of NLP write about such a method. If the person said YES twice, then he is more likely to give the same answer to the third sentence. Advertisers went further than the NLP specialists, they propose to force the reader to say “YES” three times before selling something to him. It’s about trust. In fact, the first 2 or 3 “YES” are an attempt to get closer and gain the trust of the reader.
You shouldn’t insist, because it is important for us to give such arguments that the reader will not dispute. And it isn’t always necessary to ask questions directly. So, choose a few strong arguments and form the text from them.

Selling formula ODC (landing pages)
It is effective when we appeal to the targeted audience (more about landing pages you can read here).
Offer — we know the interests and the portrait of the reader, so we make an offer that is “hooked” him, there is no need to play up with the reader because we’ve targeted the audience and know what exactly is important to it.
Deadline — we limit the offer: time, number of copies.
Call to Action – the last part of ODC for
Many users feel only nausea and the desire to close quickly the page because of ODC formula. There is such an opinion. But if we have targeted the audience in a right way and picked up Offer for it, it is an extremely effective scheme. Somehow the majority of landing page works probably according to ODC formula.
If you want to know not only how to start an online business only, but which length is optimal for your content – read this article.
An important point: one formula can be used within another, for example, we build a page on the principle of ODC, and form an Offer in the style of 3Yes or PPPP. We told you about 6 selling formulas, so now you know how to start an online business. Good luck!